Welcome to the Finance Sisters' Blog!
On this page, we aim to put together some useful content for you to get started. We also want to share our thoughts on financial mindset. Have a look around! We love to hear from you- what interests you most? Do you have any cool ideas? Let us know- via our social media or send us an email at hello@financesisters.com
Our latest posts
16 Questions you are asked when opening an online trading account
December 4, 2020Can you answer the 6 Financial Literacy Questions? Only 3% of Millennials in the US can.
December 4, 2020COVID-19 and investing – getting back to basics
November 15, 2020Easy savings you can make today
July 17, 2020Myth busting Mini-Series Part 3: “You have to be good at mathematics to invest”
July 13, 2020What is Financial Independence?
July 13, 2020Our Categories
Sister Musings
The place for news from our Finance Sisters' universe and about general ideas or issues.
The 5 Finance $ister $teps
The 5 Finance $ister $teps are the core and starting point to becoming financially independent. Find articles on each step, mindset, tips and tricks and many more.
Finance Sisters and brothers
Here we introduce blog posts from a community of experts, supporters and guest bloggers from a wide range of backgrounds to offer you fresh and interesting perspectives on financial independence, our five $isters $teps, mindset, investing and more. (coming soon!)